Throughout my three years in Edinburgh, I can't remember ever starting to work on my assignments any sooner than I absolutely had to. Every beginning of a semester, we kept promising each other that it would be different this time around. Never hapenned...Can't say I ever regretted that too much.
Sooner or later, though, the Exam period arrived, and I had to compensate for the lack of work along the year. Least healthy days of my life those were...I slept when I should be studying, studied when I should be sleeping, ate the same stuff all over again, and smoked my lungs out as if it would give me any extra strength. "It's the stress" , I kept repeating to my desk lamp, which looked at me in a paternising manner everytime I started rolling another cigarette.
One by one, the nasty examinations surrendered to my persistence until I had nothing to look forward to but a 4 month summer holiday...Oh, the day.
Mike and me had one last task though...One maybe as important as any test we could have sitted..The last milestone, before what seemed like a lifetime of relaxation. We had this tradition, you see, which I believe could not make sense to any other pair of people other than us. Every year, after the end of the examination period, we would spend 5£ to eat....literally....a tower of pizza slices from Pizza Hut at Nicolson Street. "£4.99 All you can eat", read the sign in the glass.
I never believed that we were extra hungry or any reason that would justify this tradition other than the fact that we could do whatever we wanted now. This was, quite simply, our shout for Freedom. Ironically in William Wallace's country..
3 hours, many slices and glasses of coke later, we couldn't move. And it felt great!
1 comment:
há quem fosse às roulottes comer um hamburger especial na "SÓ NESTA" acompanhado por uma super bock e uma cigarrada no fim! ouvi dizer......:p
(e lembro-me que nesse momento solene a Verónica dizia: hoje quero lá saber s carne + ovo é mta proteína!!)
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